
The autonomous driving market is going through a major shift, moving from the initial hype to pragmatic solutions that are changing the way we operate vehicles on roads. A mandatory requirement to enable autonomous driving commercialization is the ability to detect any object on any road, and in any lighting or weather conditions. Foresight positions itself as a strategic fit across a range of markets.


The autonomous driving market is going through a major shift, moving from the initial hype to pragmatic solutions that are changing the way we operate vehicles on roads. A mandatory requirement to enable autonomous driving commercialization is the ability to detect any object on any road, and in any lighting or weather conditions. Foresight positions itself as a strategic fit across a range of markets.


Autonomous Vehicles


Heavy Machinery



Autonomous Vehicles

For a car to be autonomous, the car requires sensors to collect information about the road and a central processing unit to analyse all the data and make decisions appropriately. When a sensing system can detect any object on any road, and in any lighting or weather conditions, autonomous passenger vehicles gain numerous advantages when it comes to vehicle safety. They reduce the number of traffic accidents, fatalities, and injuries by lowering or eliminating human error.

AVs can potentially reduce traffic congestion and time spent on the road and provide time for drivers to engage in other activities. AVs can also give mobility options to those who cannot drive for any number of reasons, effectively improving their quality of life.

Heavy Machinery

Agricultural equipment manufacturers are investing heavily in new technologies in order to increase automation of various operations and autonomous driving and are deploying stereo technology for autonomous driving and automatic operations in order to to increase productivity and efficiencies for higher yields.

Foresight’s advanced thermal stereoscopic capabilities are designed to bring added value to precision agriculture and automated navigation, covering planting, harvesting and loading crops for shipment, especially in adverse weather and low-visibility conditions where other sensors are challenged.


Autonomous vehicles offer many advantages on the battlefield. They act as force multipliers while reducing risk to soldiers by keeping them out of harm’s way. They are extremely useful for intelligence gathering, as well as for improving logistics delivery, freeing up army personnel for more strategic tasks. Autonomous vehicles can also serve in disaster relief missions and provide humanitarian assistance, such as providing supplies to remote locations and evacuating the wounded.

Foresight’s sensors, allowing for passive detection, provide such vehicles with the ability to adapt to complex conflict zones and operate in the harshest environmental conditions, including off-road driving and zero-visibility sandstorms.

Advanced AV Safety

While autonomous vehicles (AVs) are here to stay, safety remains an issue. A lot of effort is being invested into developing sensing technology meeting the autonomous vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) safety requirements. 

OEMs and other service providers must implement solutions for autonomous vehicles that are robust yet cost effective and capable of operating in even the most challenging conditions. This is where Foresight positions itself as a strategic fit across a range of markets that have a new vision for autonomous vehicles, including passenger cars, public transportation and fleets, commercial vehicles, defense and security platforms.

Learn More About Our Solutions

Explore the various solutions we provide, and discover how our unique features and capabilities are revolutionizing the automotive industry.

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